Every time I open a PDF, Document Viewer takes up the whole screen and then I press F11, Ctrl+Super+Up to maximize it instead. This is tedious.

How can I stop it from automatically entering full-screen mode?

  • 2
    In the upper left corner there is a settings icon. Try clicking it and selecting "Save current as default" after you have gone through the process you describe.
    – v010dya
    Jan 4, 2014 at 20:20

2 Answers 2


Converting Volodya's answer as a comment to a complete answer:

You probably changed Document Viewer's default settings by accident. This is an easy mistake to make, since the keyboard shortcut for doing so is the same as for opening a tab in your web browser, and you frequently type into the wrong window as a result of the lag in Unity's window switcher.

To correct the mistake:

  1. Exit the full-screen view by pressing F11 or unchecking View ▸ Fullscreen.
  2. Save the current settings as default by pressing Ctrl+T or selecting Edit ▸ Save Current Settings as Default.

    enter image description here

This won't affect documents you've opened previously until you reset the stored settings for those documents.


You can also run the following command in the terminal to change the default setting:

gsettings set org.gnome.Evince.Default fullscreen false

If you also want to have all windows maximized by default, additionally run the following command, replacing 1920, 1080 with your screen size:

gsettings set org.gnome.Evince.Default window-ratio '(1920, 1080)'

After the first launch of Evince after that, it rewrites that ratio to something else (that still works).

(Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with Evince 3.36.10.)

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