After I had changed my hostname through opening a certain file I am unable to remember, I encountered several problems. I was unable to save back-ups, my computer was occasionally unable to identify my graphics card, causing it to be in low resolution mode and terminal did not recognize my hostname.

I dual-boot Ubuntu 13.10 with Windows 8, and Windows 8 is able to boot. I am new to Ubuntu. How can I fix these issues?

  • Did you edit the file /etc/hostname without making the corresponding change in /etc/hosts? Can you add the contents of those files to your question (e.g. using the cat command like cat /etc/hostname and cat /etc/hosts)? Jan 1, 2014 at 3:11
  • Oh... I was not aware to make changes. I had decided to change my name back to default, since I had found that I was not longer in resolution. If I were to change my hostname, what changes would I make to /etc/hosts/?
    – Quantum
    Jan 1, 2014 at 7:22

1 Answer 1


not sure what file you changed but try the following:

typing in your terminal:


will display the current hostname for the system and:

sudo hostname a-new-hostname

will change the system hostname.

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