Now for the simple answer! No possible way to mess anything up or fudge your install up.
Just enter your password a couple times and then you'll never have to enter it again! This will allow you to add a local admin account to the group "root" which is then un-commented from a template which will allow the entire group "root" superuser privileges. You can read my security concern/solution for this procedure at the later part of this post.
%username& is the global variable for your username(replace it with desired username)
Step 1: Open up a terminal window and then type "sudo usermod -a -G root %username%
Step 2: Then copy/paste this...
sudo sed -i 's/# auth sufficient trust/auth sufficient trust/g' /etc/pam.d/su`
Step 2 OR type
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/su`
Goto line 19 and remove the "#" before # auth sufficient trust
(may be a different line number for some)
*The first command adds your %username% to the group "root"
The second/third commands allows all members of group "root" to be superuser without a password, versus only allowing the user "root" su privileges for authentications.
Don't mess around with /etc/sudoers
... There are a lot of checks/balances that 'su' authentication must go through. Superuser authentication uses the same pam.d procedure as all other login authentications. "/etc/security/access.conf" has the layout for access control via tcp/ip( communication and through telnet services (tty1&tty2&tty3...etc) This allows more precise filtering per application via transport protocol. If safety is your concern, then your concern should be directed towards remote/code threats versus someone actually touching your computer when you leave the room!!!
Food for paranoia(dont type this one in just review it):
sudo sed -i 's/#-:ALL EXCEPT (wheel) shutdown sync:LOCAL/-:ALL EXCEPT (wheel) shutdown sync:LOCAL/g' /etc/security/access.conf
^ This blocks access to console for anyone who is not a member of system or root. Sometimes programs install usernames/groups that are exploited!