I'm trying to change my default shell to zsh. Zsh exists, and works when I straight up call zsh. However, this is what happens when I try to switch it:

mike@mike-desktop:~$ echo $SHELL
mike@mike-desktop:~$ which zsh
mike@mike-desktop:~$ chsh -s $(which zsh)
mike@mike-desktop:~$ echo $SHELL

Restarting terminal shows bash as being the main shell.

Any ideas? I've tried running it with sudo, same results.

1 Answer 1


The chsh command changes your default shell, not your current shell. You will need to log out of the shell, and back in, to see a change after running chsh.

  • Is there something more to logging out and logging back in to shell than restarting terminal? Because I close terminal and reopen it and it's still bash. Dec 14, 2013 at 20:38
  • 1
    Just closing the shell or the terminal isn't enough. You need to really log out and login again. Dec 14, 2013 at 20:45

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