I am using win 7. I have been using VMware for a while, I have installed ubuntu in it.

Now is there any way, I can use this ubuntu image (vmdk) to install another OS on my pc parallel to win7

I hope the question is clear.


1 Answer 1


As commented by @Brandon Bertelsen using clonezilla solved my problem.

Detailed Steps

  • you will need vmware workstation, vm player wont work as it does not allow to boot using iso images
  • download daemon tool or any similar software
  • then download clonezilla img
  • mount the img downloaded using daemon tool
  • use this img mounted in the vmware workstation
  • start the vm
  • follow the step by step instructions, now you have a cloned image of the ubuntu which was in the vmware
  • now boot your pc (the physical one not the guest in vmware) with the cloned image

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