Ok, so I had ubuntu 13.04 and I could normaly move windows to other workspaces pressing "ctrl+alt+shift+any arrow button". But I recently upgraded to 13.10 and now, when I press those buttons, I only can move the window to the workspaces at the sides but not the ones below it (for example: if I have a window in the top left workspace, I can move it to the one on the top right and then get it back to the top left workspace, but I can't move it to the bottom left or the bottom right workspace) and to do that I have to click the workspaces icon (the one that shows all the workspaces) and manually drag the window to the workspace I want, and that is quite slow and annoying. Is there any way to fix that?


  • Keyboard settings > Shortcuts - changing a few of those may help...
    – Wilf
    Nov 29, 2013 at 23:14
  • How come I didn't think for of that, seems like they changed the command in 13.10 to super+alt+shift+re pag/av pag. I changed it again to the other command. Thanks a lot!
    – Soke
    Nov 29, 2013 at 23:25

1 Answer 1


It's the 'Navigation' bit I think you need. enter image description here

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