How can I install VMware in Ubuntu 13.10? VirtualBox crashes the whole time or doesn't want to work 100%.

I've tried the solution in How can I install VMWare Player on Ubuntu 12.10?, but I get errors in terminal when I try the commands.

VMware can me used in the same way as VirtualBox, right? I want to install a different OS inside Ubuntu using VMWare.

  • [This post]( askubuntu.com/a/392736/231085) has instructions to install vmware player (with pictures!) in the answers section.
    – mango
    Jan 2, 2014 at 21:01
  • It would be better if you could post the exact errors you encounter when you try to install VMware Player.
    – jobin
    Jun 21, 2014 at 13:39

2 Answers 2

  1. Download the bundle from here to your Downloads folder.

  2. Open up the terminal: Ctrl+Alt+T

  3. Enter the following commands:

    cd Downloads 
    chmod +x VMware-Player-6.0.1-1379776.x86_64.bundle 
    sudo ./VMware-Player-6.0.1-1379776.x86_64.bundle
  4. Follow the install GUI.


VMWare is not packaged, but you can find detailed install instructions in the Community Wiki. I suggest you start by installing VMWare Player and go on from there. If you have particular issues installing please post the error messages.

  • I've looked and tried the commands you suggested on the link, but struggle to install the program, it looks installed if looked at terminal. but I still don't have the program en the tools needed, also described in the link,to get all working. What else can I do? I do have the bundle that I downloaded from vmware's website. There a way to install it?
    – Orosjopie
    Nov 6, 2013 at 11:06

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