I wanted to download this particular video of David Archuleta - Crush and i cannot seem to download it. I tried updating , reinstalling the application using the terminal but still cannot download the video.

The Problem with it is I cannot download it from any Video Service like Vimeo or Youtube. I tried with Youtube, also got the available formats but failed to download the video. Here's the link of the Video

PLease someone tell me if its the Video problem or the Application Problem ?

3 Answers 3


On the link you have provided there is the download button so you need not use any command.

To download from youtube, first install youtube-dl

$sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

To download video

$youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J1-eYBbspA

Note: Latest version of youtube-dl can be found here

or update it using

$sudo youtube-dl -U
  • I'm more comfortable in the Command version downloads than the Gui. its just personal. Oct 17, 2013 at 7:33

Youtube-dl is known to hav some serious problems, and i tried it out and found them out for myself. It totally failed to work with me

I recommend minitube, which does not need any complicated command based processes. You just search the video you want to download, and then download it right away...with a bonus of watching other videos on youtube while you wait for your download to finish..

enter image description here

You can also download it from Ubuntu Software Center.

As another alternative, you can run an application called windows app called YTD (YoutubeVideo Downloader), inside wine or crossover...


This is what I see.

Screenshot of the linked video in question

When I click the Video Link you have posted on your question.

When I click the on "↓ Download" It opens a small panel where get to select a download link. When I click it, it downloads the video in .flv format.

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