I accidently moved /home/user/Desktop/Images folder to Desktop, and I thought that folder is just copy of original one so I deleted it, but it seems I moved it to Desktop and now I don't have Images folder. I created new Images folder manually but whenever I click on Images shortcut in left sidebar I get error 'Unable to find file' and it points to folder I droped on Desktop.

How to revert path to folder and icon.

2 Answers 2


Edit Nautilus' bookmarks. Oops my bad. Edited to reflect 13.04's location


  • I did, but now I have two bookmarks of folder Images. How do I delete the previous one. And my new bookmark is now located below Devices section.
    – Alen
    Sep 27, 2013 at 20:16

Solved by editing ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

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