I reset my password in ubuntu 12.04. I got "password reset successfully" message.But when I try install/ unistall softwares, I get "worng pawwsord" message.

Why it is so?

1 Answer 1


Do this in terminal


you can change the password for the account you are currently logged in

for changing other users password do

passwd <username>

the problem with yours maybe your caps lock was on or mistyped your password.

If unable to reset your password or lost it do the following:

  1. Boot into recovery mode

  2. then select 'root'

  3. then enter command

    mount -o rw,remount /
  4. then do

    passwd username

this resets the password for the specified account

if you have forgotten the username as well do

ls /home

and the list of users show up

reset the password by entering the above mentioned command

  1. then enter


and select resume from the recovery options menu then ok

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