I've been at this for so long now, trying to get my sickbeard to run behind nginx and having no luck at all, excuse my noobness.

Here's what I've tried.

I have sickbeard installed in[b] /opt/sickbeard[/b]

Inside the config.ini file within the sicbeard directory, I have edited to web_root variable to equal /opt/sickbeard

In the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file, this is what I have:

http {
    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name    http://server.example.com;
        location /sickbeard {
            proxy_pass    http://server.example.com:8081/opt/sickbeard;

This just doesn't work even the slightest, what am i doing wrong?


1 Answer 1


Am I correct to assume that you want to use nginx just as a proxy to sickbeard server? If so then there are a couple of things to correct here:

  1. web_root in config.ini defines a path on the webserver that sickbeard expects to receive in HTTP query (look here: https://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/wiki/AdvancedSettings). Therefore given that you've set up nginx to re-route queries on /sickbeard, the web_root should be 'sickbeard'.
  2. The 'proxy_pass' in nginx config is also incorrect. It should contain the URL at which you have your sickbeard running directly (which I think in your case is the URL without opt/sickbeard). I presume if you try to open your 'proxy_path' URL in a browser, you will get a HTTP 404.

There is a nice tutorial at nginx website (http://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html#proxy) so you might want to check that too.

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