Using the disk analyzer to clean some garbage I found some (automatically made?) backups. At least I hadn't installed any backup package, so I suppose it must be safe to get rid of the older ones.
How can I configure Sublime Text to keep only the last N-backups?

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1 Answer 1


Via sublime - you can't.

But you're on Ubuntu, so why not use cron? Add the following script (i.e. clean_sublime_backups) to /etc/cron.daily:

ls -t /home/YOURUSERNAME/.config/sublime-text-2/Backup/ | sed '1,5d' | xargs rm -r

Afterwards chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/clean_sublime_backups. To change the number of Backups left, modify the '1,5d' part as '1,YOURNUMBERd'. Backups will be cleaned every day.

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