I am trying to integrate juju with openstack. I have a virtual machine and on that I have installed openstack grizzly using devstack script. Now I want to configure juju with openstack (want to configure using keystone, not swift), so that I can create openstack instances using juju.
Here is my environment.yaml,
root@ubuntutcs:~/.juju# cat environments.yaml
type: openstack
control-bucket: juju-openstack-myproject-95ec-8c2083e67721
admin-secret: foooooooo
auth-mode: userpass
auth-url: http://myhost:5000/v2.0/
username: demo
password: openstack
project-name: demo
default-series: precise
default-instance-type: m1.small
default-image-id: 60eb0af4-03f9-4d35-a858-3da302380937
s3-uri: http://myhost:3333
combined-key: 095b11767c084842b34e14ce2646b67e
secret-key: fce90f6069fd4ab4bce4f4b28be49e26
And I am getting following error,
root@ubuntutcs:~/.juju# juju bootstrap -v --debug
2013-08-18 07:04:01 INFO juju provider.go:115 environs/openstack: opening environment "openstack"
2013-08-18 07:04:01 WARNING juju config.go:133 config attribute "default-image-id" (60eb0af4-03f9-4d35-a858-3da302380937) is deprecated and ignored, use simplestreams metadata instead
2013-08-18 07:04:01 WARNING juju config.go:138 config attribute "default-instance-type" (m1.small) is deprecated and ignored
2013-08-18 07:04:01 WARNING juju.environs.config config.go:429 unknown config field "project-name"
2013-08-18 07:04:01 WARNING juju.environs.config config.go:429 unknown config field "s3-uri"
2013-08-18 07:04:01 WARNING juju.environs.config config.go:429 unknown config field "combined-key"
2013-08-18 07:04:01 ERROR juju supercommand.go:235 command failed: required environment variable not set for credentials attribute: TenantName
error: required environment variable not set for credentials attribute: TenantName
Please help me to understand the error.