Am I able to change the images of the currently running programs on my taskbar? I have one very useful program with a very ugly and outdated icon and I'd like to change it.

2 Answers 2


Check this: Where are the Unity Launcher .desktop files?

Open the .desktop file you want the icon changed for and there will be a

[Desktop Entry]

Obviously the file name behind "Icon=" is what you need to replace. From UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles:

Icon field is the icon that should be used by the launcher and represents the application. All icons that are under the directory /usr/share/pixmaps don't need to have their full path specified, but their filename without the extension. For example, if the icon file is /usr/share/pixmaps/wallch.png, then the Icon field should be just 'wallch'. All other icons should have their full path specified.


I use alacarte to create custom launchers for programs that come without installers or launchers etc.

Simply install using sudo apt-get install alacarte or search for it in the software centre.

This program will let you edit icons and create icons for commands or script files.

Here is an answer to a similar question with a more in-depth set of instructions on using alacarte.

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