I have some issues downloading Slidewall.

I have entered the correct terminal commands, and have checked them several times to be sure, but when I actually try to install the program, I always get this:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package slidewall

Is there any way for me to install it successfully?

  • Slidewall isn't in the repositories..
    – Seth
    Dec 1, 2013 at 0:09
  • @Seth actually it's. In the extras.
    – Braiam
    Dec 4, 2013 at 3:01

2 Answers 2


The package slidewall is only available using the extra repository (or ppa), and only on precise. Installation method:

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 3E5C1192
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main" >> \
sudo apt-get install slidewall


http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/extras/precise/main/base/slidewall http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/extras?dist=precise


What Commands did you use?

This is what i used

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fioan89/slidewall 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install slidewall

If that does not work , it might be a 13.10 issue.

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