I tried to install megamario1.7 on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mmario/?source=dlp)

I installed all requiered SDL-libraries.

Wenn I type in

make PREFIX=/usr/local

It gives me the error

SDL/SDL.h - no such file ore directory

What should I do to solve this?

  • /usr/include/SDL/SDL.h <-- the file is there, but megamario won't find it...
    – Produnis
    Jul 11, 2013 at 9:19

1 Answer 1


Did you install also the SDL development libraries (that end with -dev), like libsdl1.2-dev?

OK, so the answer is "yes". Now. The correct way of using the SDL configuration is to use the output from the sdl-config --cflags --libs command. This will provide the flags that are necessary for the compiler. Run this command and see what the flags are.

The next step, I'm afraid, is harder: you need to view the Makefile and see whether the flags are there, and if not, where to add them.

I downloaded the program and looked at the Makefile: it is simple enough. Just add the --libs flags to the line starting with LDFLAGSand the --cflags to the line starting with CFLAGS.

  • yes, I did... :( and the files are in /usr/include/SDL/SDL.h - but megamario won't find them there....
    – Produnis
    Jul 11, 2013 at 9:19

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