I am a photojournalist/digital photo artist and I am getting into video editing projects I have used GIMP for my photo editing for years...
I've been doing some research on other alternatives which may have better quality results and I found Cinepaint. I found that there is a lack of .deb packages for installation into Ubuntu, so I tried 2 things.
1) downloaded from SourceForge the .rpm package and converted it to .deb with alien. It seemed to work/open properly, but I can not get it to open .jpeg, .jpg, .JPEG, .JPG, ot .TIFF files... so I wasn't able to make use/test the program...
2) downloaded the .tar.gz from SourceForge and went to compile it... I first installed the list of dependencies provided in the install file, then I ran:
sudo ./configure
It seemed to run fine until the end and I got an error output:
Configuration Results
GTK CinePaint Version 1.0-4
General dependencies:
Gtk2 toolkit yes 2.24.17
DnD support no
littleCMS no !! CinePaint will not build without !!
Oyranos no
Plug-ins with external dependencies:
Python plug-in: no
OpenEXR plug-in: yes OpenEXR
Tiff plug-in: yes
PNG plug-in: yes libpng 1.2.49
Jpeg plug-in: yes
Print plug-in: no
FLTK dependent plug-ins: no !! CinePaint will not build without !!
Thread dependent plug-ins: no !! ICC Examin will not build !!
Flex dependent plug-ins: yes iol
configure: error: !!! An ERROR occured !!!
Please check the above messages to see why.
For bug reports please include the complete above output.
I'm very interested in trying this program, but because the error list doesn't give specific package names, I'm not sure how to locate/install the missing dependencies.
So I was wondering if anyone knows where to find the missing dependencies or can advise me as to how to locate them myself
Has any suggestions about how to get the .rpm --> .deb conversion to work properly
I usually research Ubuntu forums/askUbuntu/Google to see if there is relevant content to my problem before I post a question, however I was unable to find any content relative to Ubuntu past 8.04/.10.
I will be grateful for any suggestions or links to documentation relevant to new versions of Ubuntu or even a way to find/install a .deb package of filmgimp or glasgow or similar programs that will work on Ubuntu...
Thanks for your time