I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).
https://github.com/lepe/scripts/blob/master/decode_remmina.pl (check for updated version)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
use MIME::Base64;
use File::Slurp;
my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";
my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
if($content) {
my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
if($secret) {
my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;
my $des = Crypt::CBC->new(
if(@files > 0) {
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $config = read_file($file);
my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
if($pass_plain) {
print "$name $host $user $pass_plain\n";
} else {
print "Unable to find *.remmina files \n";
} else {
print "No secret key found...\n";
} else {
print "Unable to read content from remmina.pref\n";
You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>
): Crypt::CBC
, Crypt::DES_EDE3
, MIME::Base64
, File::Slurp
Sample output:
(Name, host, user, password: tab separated)
Server1 administrator jM822Azss2fake
Server2 admin JaxHaxFakez90