I don't remember my password for one of my servers. I have a working connection saved and want to get the password from it.

From Remmina faq:

Q: How are my passwords stored? Are they secure?
A: They are encrypted using 3DES with a 256bit randomly generated key. You should keep your key secure.

So where do I get the key and where would the passwords be stored?

EDIT: Ok found that they are just in your users home folder under .remmina. both the private key are in base64 and i can't seem to get the password right when decrypting......


11 Answers 11


I was able to use the Go solution by @michaelcochez to decrypt it with Python:

Python 3:

First install pycryptodome with pip:

pip install pycryptodome
import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

secret = base64.b64decode(b'<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
password = base64.b64decode(b'<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remminaa>')

print(DES3.new(secret[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password).decode('utf-8'))

Original Python 2 Answer

import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

secret = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
password = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remmina>')
print DES3.new(secret[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
  • 6
    For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('\n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('\n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print DES3.new(secret[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.
    – admalledd
    Commented Dec 17, 2016 at 1:46
  • Nice one.. Works just fine
    – user169015
    Commented Feb 23, 2017 at 6:57
  • 6
    The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)
    – Ring
    Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 16:28
  • 3
    Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('\n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('\n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print DES3.new(secret[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina
    – admalledd
    Commented Mar 10, 2018 at 1:32
  • @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!
    – Michael
    Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 0:50

They are stored in Gnome-Keyring.

Dash->type "keys"->Passwords&Keys.

In newer versions of seahorse (a.k.a. "Passwords and Keys") one has to select "View" -> "Show any" to see the keys. Search for "remmina".

  • 1
    tried that already..... also i'm using lxde
    – linuxnewb
    Commented May 5, 2013 at 10:21
  • 3
    This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..
    – Kupiakos
    Commented Apr 27, 2015 at 15:05
  • 1
    This worked for me on Ubuntu 18.04LTS
    – Chris
    Commented Oct 30, 2020 at 15:25
  • 2
    FYI, the GUI to access the keyring can be launched by running seahorse from the terminal.
    – Jeff Ward
    Commented Feb 2, 2021 at 18:08
  • It works for me - thanks Commented Apr 12, 2021 at 9:01

Remmina (1.3.3) store passwords thanks to libsecret, the libsecret-tools package can help you retrieve the stored password.

I was looking for the password of a Windows RDP connection with user password saved; I finnaly found the password with the command

secret-tool search key password
  • 7
    This should be accepted the answer. Thank you very very much!
    – le hien
    Commented Sep 8, 2021 at 2:02
  • 2
    Yes, most answers are totally obsolete and it took some time to find this.
    – Grrruk
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 9:41
  • 1
    The release notes state, that 1.2.0-rcgit.6 (2015-12-10) is the version Remmina moved to libsecret, so more than 7 years ago. --all could be added to the command: secret-tool search --all key password Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 14:02

I found the key in a file called ~/.remmina/remmina.prefs and the encrypted passwords are in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina.

I wrote a code (in Go) which can be used for decryption:

//Decrypts obfuscated passwords by Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
//written by Michael Cochez
package main

import (

//set the variables here

var base64secret = "yoursecret"
var base64password = "theconnectionpassword"

//The secret is used for encrypting the passwords. This can typically be found from ~/.remmina/remmina.pref on the line containing 'secret='.
//"The encrypted password used for the connection. This can typically be found from /.remmina/dddddddddddd.remmina " on the line containing 'password='.
//Copy everything after the '=' sign. Also include final '=' signs if they happen to be there.

//returns a function which can be used for decrypting passwords
func makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret string) func(string) string {
    //decode the secret
    secret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64secret)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
    if len(secret) != 32 {
        log.Fatal("the secret is not 32 bytes long")
    //the key is the 24 first bits of the secret
    key := secret[:24]
    //3DES cipher
    block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Failed creating the 3Des cipher block", err)
    //the rest of the secret is the iv
    iv := secret[24:]
    decrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)

    return func(encodedEncryptedPassword string) string {
        encryptedPassword, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedEncryptedPassword)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
        //in place decryption
        decrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)
        return string(encryptedPassword)

func main() {

    if base64secret == "yoursecret" || base64password == "theconnectionpassword" {

        log.Fatal("both base64secret and base64password variables must be set")

    decrypter := makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret)

    fmt.Printf("Passwd : %v\n", decrypter(base64password))


The code can be run online, but then you are trusting golang.org.


I made a script that automatically decrypt your password files. The most recent version is at https://github.com/peppelinux/remmina_password_exposer.

from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
import base64
import os
import re

from os.path import expanduser
home = expanduser("~")

# costanti :)
REMMINA_FOLDER = os.getenv('REMMINA_FOLDER', home+'/'+'.remmina/')
REMMINA_PREF   = 'remmina.pref'

REGEXP_ACCOUNTS = r'[0-9]{13}\.remmina(.swp)?'
REGEXP_PREF     = r'remmina.pref'

diz = {}

fso = fs.readlines()

for i in fso:
    if re.findall(r'secret=', i):
        r_secret = i[len(r'secret='):][:-1]
        print 'found secret', r_secret

for f in os.listdir(REMMINA_FOLDER):
    if re.findall(REGEXP_ACCOUNTS, f): 

        o = open( REMMINA_FOLDER+f, 'r')
        fo = o.readlines()

        for i in fo:
            if re.findall(r'password=', i):
                r_password = i[len(r'password='):][:-1]
            if re.findall(r'^name=', i):
                r_name = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
            if re.findall(r'username=', i):
                r_username = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
        #~ print fo
        #~ print 'found', f

        password = base64.decodestring(r_password)
        secret = base64.decodestring(r_secret)

        diz[r_name] = DES3.new(secret[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
        # print the username and password of the last decryption
        print r_name, r_username, diz[r_name]
  • sudo pip3 install --upgrade pycrypto python3 remmina_password_exposer.py Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 23:55

I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).

https://github.com/lepe/scripts/blob/master/decode_remmina.pl (check for updated version)


use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
use MIME::Base64;
use File::Slurp;

my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";

my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
if($content) {
    my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
    if($secret) {
        my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
        my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
        my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;

        my $des = Crypt::CBC->new( 
        if(@files > 0) {
            foreach my $file (@files) {
                my $config = read_file($file);
                my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
                my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
                my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
                my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
                my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
                my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
                if($pass_plain) {
                    print "$name    $host   $user   $pass_plain\n";
        } else {
            print "Unable to find *.remmina files \n";
    } else {
        print "No secret key found...\n";
} else {
    print "Unable to read content from remmina.pref\n";

You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>): Crypt::CBC, Crypt::DES_EDE3, MIME::Base64, File::Slurp

Sample output:

(Name, host, user, password: tab separated)

Server1    administrator   jM822Azss2fake
Server2   admin   JaxHaxFakez90

You can use "seahorse" GUI for gnome-keyring to view & copy passwords from Remmina. Easy & Fast.


I needed to do the reverse and encrypt passwords for Remmina using a Python script. In case anyone needs it here's the code:

import base64    
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


def encryptRemminaPass(plain):
    plain = plain.encode('utf-8')
    secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
    key = secret[:24]
    iv = secret[24:]
    plain = plain + b"\0" * (8 - len(plain) % 8)
    cipher = DES3.new(key, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
    result = cipher.encrypt(plain)
    result = base64.b64encode(result)
    result = result.decode('utf-8')
    return result


Get secret from remmina.pref, which is in ~/.config/remmina

s=`sed -n 's/^secret=//p' remmina.pref|base64 -d|hexdump -ve '/1 "%02x"'`


echo CRYPTEDPW|openssl des3 -d -a -nopad -K ${s:0:48} -iv ${s:48}|tr -d "\0"

Encrypt (alternative to remmina --encrypt-password):

pad=`printf "%*s" $[8-${#pw}%8] ""`
printf "$pw${pad// /\\0}"|openssl des3 -a -nopad -K ${s:0:48} -iv ${s:48}

Note, that the string padding during encrypting/decrypting is different between remmina and openssl. That's why -nopad option and the manual padding are needed.


Here is the code to go from key to password

key is in: ~/.config/remmina/remmina.pref Password hash is in: ~/.local/share/remmina/*.remmina

To run, save as .py file replace 'key' and 'passw' fields and run python3 *.py

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import base64    
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


print ("Place Secret up and pasword below")

passw = base64.b64decode(passw)
secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
key = secret[:24]
iv = secret[24:]
cipher = DES3.new(key, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
result = cipher.decrypt(passw)
result = result.decode('utf-8')
print (result)

@IcanDivideBy0 solution worked for me on Xubuntu18.04 Remmina

sudo apt install -y libsecret-tools
secret-tool search key password

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