I'm confused about what application that installs the GMail icon in the Message menu (see link to picture).

enter image description here

I'm developing my own GMail notification app, so I want to get rid of it.

Can anyone enlighten me?

2 Answers 2


This is icon of unity-webapps-gmail application. Just remove it and log out for applying changes.

Also you can manage Message Menu from dconf-editor.
Open this editor and find com.canonical.indicator.messages. In applications section you can edit list of applications you want to display.

  • Thanks, that solved it (dconf-editor). There must be a bug in the web-apps installer. I tried a few times to install and uninstall (and restarted the shell) with no success. However, after removing GMailmailgooglecom.desktop from com.canonical.indicator.messages, it was solved. One issue remain: the GMail app still show up in the dash. Interestingly, it still works, i.e. a browser window star mail.google.com.
    – Mike
    Apr 30, 2013 at 13:54

You probably added GMail webapp to your launcher on the left hand side. Remove it and GMail should also disappear in the Messaging Menu. In order to do so, right click the GMail icon on the launcher and choose "Remove from the launcher".

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