How does one use gnome native elements? For example empathy can:

  • Create pop-ups with text-boxes and pictures.
  • Right clicking on the top-left icon produces a menu.
  • The system tray
    • The system tray icon also has a "gnome-type?" pop-up when left clicked which looks and acts better then other apps with system tray icons.

Is there a tool kit or something? I am particularity interested in python bindings but any info is helpful. It may without saying but this is Gnome 3.

EDIT: These features can be found in most gnome apps, not just empathy.

Here's a decent example.

Thanks in advance.

  • I never used Empathy, but since it's a Gnome app, it'll use GTK as toolkit. You examples sound really specific, so they will create very specific, custom widgets. Check out their sourcecode for more information.
    – Timo
    Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 18:49
  • @Timo sorry to make the examples so specific, there are only a few things that do this fully. Pithos is a good example of notifications since it expands, shows pictures, does stuff on left click, ect. Network errors in the system tray have nice left-click pop-ups. Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 19:21

1 Answer 1


In particular, Gnome3 is written with GTK+3. You can find a general tutorial on using GTK+ 3 with Python. Also take a look specifically on GNOME Developer Center. In particular you may be interested in the Python Bindings.

For further, more specific programming questions, I recommend using Stack Overflow as a resource for asking questions, a sister site to AskUbuntu.

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