I would like to be able to do

Ctrl + S, Alt + Tab and F5

while only pressing Alt+Shift+S

1 Answer 1

  1. Install the xautomation package (sudo apt-get install xautomation). This provides the command xte which is used for simulating keyboard events.
  2. Open up System ➜ Preferences ➜ Keyboard Shortcuts.
  3. Click on Add and use the following code for the Command,

    xte "keydown Control_L" "key s" "keyup Control_L" "keydown Alt_L" "key Tab" "keyup Alt_L" "key F5"

    Use whatever you want for the Name and then click Apply.

    enter image description here

  4. Now click the right side of the new shortcut entry (where it says Disabled ) and hit


    enter image description here

  • Awesome! Thanks for giving me an idea for the name of the shortcut. I couldn't figure out how to call it.
    – wyc
    Feb 22, 2011 at 18:08

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