I have many JPEG files in a directory, and I want to convert them to PDF and concatenate them together to make a single document.
How can this be done?
I would prefer using the command line, as this process will be faster.
From the imagemagick
package, use the convert
convert *.jpg -auto-orient pictures.pdf
You will get a single pdf containing all jpg in the current folder.
The option -auto-orient
reads the image's EXIF data to rotate the image.
Install IM with:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sources: stackoverflow imagemagick options
Edit: Note that images will be out of specific order if they are not numbered. if you have 10 or more you need to name them ending filename01.jpg...filename99.jpg etc. The leading zeros are required for proper ordering. If you have 100 or more 001...999.
for f in *.jpg; do convert "$f" "$f.pdf"; done; pdftk *.pdf cat output final.pdf
Dec 2, 2015 at 0:00
users should run gm convert *.jpg pictures.pdf
Jan 16, 2017 at 9:50
not authorized
error; see this related question (and answers).
Apr 16, 2019 at 12:45
Unfortunately, convert
changes the image quality before "packing it" into the PDF. So, to have minimal loss of quality, it is better to put the original jpg
(or .png
) into the PDF. To do this, you need to use img2pdf
as follows:
(Updated as suggested in the comments) A shorter one line solution using img2pdf
Make PDF
img2pdf *.jp* --output combined.pdf
(Optionally) OCR the output PDF
ocrmypdf combined.pdf combined_ocr.pdf
Below is the original answer with more commands and more tools needed:
This command is to make a pdf
file out of every jpg
image without loss of either resolution or quality:
ls -1 ./*jpg | xargs -L1 -I {} img2pdf {} -o {}.pdf
This command will concatenate the pdf
pages into one document:
pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
And finally, I add an OCRed text layer that doesn't change the quality of the scan in the pdfs so that they can be searchable:
pypdfocr combined.pdf
Or, as an alternative to using pypdfocr
ocrmypdf combined.pdf combined_ocr.pdf
failed with "attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `PDF'".
May 6, 2019 at 15:33
support inputing simultaneously many JPEGs. See examples in its manpage.
convert `ls -1v` file.pdf
Worked for me (BUT warning! +compress
options turns off compression and resulting PDF will be big!):
convert page1.jpg page2.jpg +compress file.pdf
or even:
convert -rotate 90 page\*.jpg +compress file.pdf
From ubuntuforums.org, the +compress
helps it to not hang.
NOTE: the +compress turns off compression. The machine I was working on at the time seemed to hang ?forever?(I did not wait forever though to find out.) without the +compress option. Your Mileage May Vary quite a bit! RTFM on imagemagick.org option -compress, maybe experiment with -compress < type> if you have slow compression/hanging problems to find out what will work for you.
option with the convert
command as suggested above! It actually disables all compression leaving you with a PDF 10 times bigger than the original JPEG. Just don't specify compression options, and convert
will go with the input compression format (JPEG) which in this case is the best option file size-wise. Source: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#compress
$ converet *.jpg file.pdf
worked well with smaller file size than with +compress
Sep 1, 2015 at 18:02
I'm curious nobody pointed out pdfjam, which is a super efficient way to merge images/pdf into a pdf:
pdfjam --a4paper *.jpg
will create for you a pdf in A4 format for all .jpg
files, usually named with a -pdfjam.pdf
at the end. To force a specific output name, you have a --outfile <your output>
As far as I can see, there is no re-encoding of the file, making the command pretty fast compared to convert
To install pdfjam, I'm not sure to know what's the most efficient way (it comes automatically with LaTeX), but you can try:
sudo apt install pdfjam
or maybe
sudo apt install texlive-extra-utils
pdfjam: FAILED. The call to /usr/bin/pdflatex resulted in an error
Open jpg or png file with LibreOffice Writer and export as PDF.
I hope, this is simple way to export pdf.
, a lot of online converter website
May 26, 2021 at 9:47
The following solution also relies on ImageMagick's convert
but is a bit more sophisticated because:
pdfimages -j file.pdf img
.) At the moment, this only works with PNG – see the comment by @dma_k below.Instructions:
Concatenate all your one-page PDF files with PDFtk as follows:
pdftk *.pdf cat output out.pdf
convert some.jpg -format pdf -compress jpeg generated.pdf ; pdfimages -j generated.pdf generated.pdf ; diff -sq some.jpg generated.pdf-000.jpg
Jul 21, 2016 at 0:14
Using img2pdf
you can do that.
But sometimes you may need your images converted to document in an order by timestamp or by size or by name.To make that possible this script does that work.
ls -trQ | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/$/\ --output\ mydoc.pdf/' | xargs img2pdf
In place of mydoc.pdf, enter name of output file as your wish.
Option of ls
command( instead of -tr
use these as per your need)
, sort by file size, largest first-t
, sort by modification time, newest first-X
, sort alphabetically by entry extension-r
, reverse order while sorting
Although convert does the job, it tries to open all the source files together and if you have a lot of files and do not have a huge amount of RAM you can run out it.
So as an alternative you can run the following commands in a terminal while being in the folder where the jpg files are.
ls *.jpg | xargs -I% img2pdf -o %.pdf %
This converts each image to a single page pdf, one by one, without overloading the system. Then:
pdfunite *.pdf output.pdf && rm *.jpg.pdf
This merges the pdfs into a single pdf and deletes the single page ones.
It is humblesome - but file-size can explode - to avoid exploding file-size you can do these steps :
a) At first you need to export with "gimp" the *.jpeg-files to *.jpg-files. (jpeg is Apple format - jpeg and jpg are both NOT the same !). jpg-file would need a small white or black 'passepartout' (=frame).
b) With Android and app "photocompress" I compress the jpg files to size under 300 KBytes each.
c) then back to Desktop of Ubuntu you can edit these files with Libre-Office and create a pdf-map with them.
Surely somebody knows how this works from a) to c) simply in terminal ?
The side-effect of this is, that it can happen, because of correct byte-size the recipient with bad $mickrosaft has then posters, but it is not your fault.
jpegoptim --overwrite --size=1000k *.jp*
a try it's written ingo
so it's a single binary and have simple cli interface