I've dual booted Ubuntu desktop edition with windows but id now like to dual boot Ubuntu Server Edition with Windows 7; I have Windows 7 installed on my laptop and I'd like to install ubuntu server edition so I can run my kannel gateway installation on it.

Is this possible? I havent seen articles on it anywhere ; And are there restrictions/problems I should expect from this installation?

1 Answer 1


It is possible and there won't be any problems. Essentially the server edition is just like the desktop one, with different packages and some kernel optimization.

So, if the desktop works, there is absolutely no reason why the server shouldn't. Even if it didn't work, you could just install/purge the differences in the desktop version

  • Hey, Thanks; I guess you never know the problems with the configuration unless you try it out. Commented Nov 20, 2012 at 11:32

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