James's answer works for a 1 to 1 dependency. For a 1 to many, i.e., to make sure service A starts before services B, C, and D, you need to take another approach. You can look at the current portmap scripts for reference but here is the general approach: create a wait script.
Scenario: you want your Service A to always run before service-b, service-c, and service-d.
Solution: create a wait script for Service A. Call it "/etc/init/service-a-wait.conf"
# service-a-wait
start on (starting service-b
or starting service-c
or starting service-d)
stop on (started service-a or stopped service-a)
# We know that we have more than one job that needs to wait for service-a and
# will make use of this service, so we need to instantiate.
instance $JOB
# Needed to make starting the job successful despite being killed
normal exit 2
status service-a | grep -q "start/running" && exit 0
start service-a || true
# Waiting forever is ok.. upstart will kill this job when
# the service-a we tried to start above either starts or stops
while sleep 3600 ; do :; done
end script
What this means in plain English is: when service b, c, or d signals that they want to start, they must wait to start until service-a is running. The service-a-wait job is designed to run until service-a has started. Once service-a-wait exits, now services b, c, and d are free to carry on and run.
This will assure service-a is up and running before any of its reverse dependencies attempts to start.
Note: the "instance $JOB" line is important in this "start on... or.. or.." scenario. Otherwise you will only really block for whichever of B, C, or D fires off first.
(instantiation deserves a better explanation honestly. for now, just do it. ;)