I deleted some files, but they seem to still exist. Can anyone please explain the output of this:

m@work:~$ locate cfx.css | xargs rm 
m@work:~$ locate cfx.css
m@work:~$ cat /var/www/wfox/hbr.co.nz/cfx/a/c/cfx.css
cat: /var/www/wfox/hbr.co.nz/cfx/a/c/cfx.css: No such file or directory

1 Answer 1


Run sudo updatedb then re-run your locate, expect you'll find it's just that locate's database is not current since you've only just deleted the files concerned.

  • by 'as root' I mean simply sudo updatedb
    – BlakJak
    Sep 24, 2012 at 0:34

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