I am trying to write a script but I'm stuck here. See the code please!

aug@august:~/play$ for i in {1..100..4}
> do
> echo "august"
> touch august $i+$2
> mkdir dir

Is there any way to go previous line? I mean there was a mistype, I did in touch august $i+$2. Ipressed ENTER key, so I went for new line. How can I get back to previous line?

  • you should write script in a file then run it from terminal. You can also use UP key for previous command, but no way to revert the command.
    – shantanu
    Sep 8, 2012 at 7:40

4 Answers 4


bash's command-line editor doesn't support this, either do as anwar suggests or keep everything on one line separated by semicolons or put it into a script file.

On a side note, zsh has features that help with this. The zsh line editor (zle) is a more fully featured editor and supports moving within a multi-line command. When the command becomes too long to handle in zle it has a builtin feature, edit-command-line, which opens up the command-line in your favorite editor. It's usually not bound, try with:

bindkey "^[e" edit-command-line

Alt-e should now activate it, save and quit to go back to the command-line.


After you pressed Enter and got an error message, you can just go back in history:

Just press the key in your keyboard to fix the typo. If you press key the terminal will show you this line:

for i in {1..100..4}; do echo "august"; touch august $i+$2; mkdir;

Correct the mistyped stuff around touch august $i+$2 and add a done at the end of the command.

Then hit the Enter key. This should solve your problem.


as explained here, in bash you have Commands for Manipulating the History as stated in it's manual. One of them is edit-and-execute-command.

This will open your editor with your commands already typed in a temporary file and you can correct previous lines easily. You can achieve this in emacs mode by C-xC-e, and vi mode by pressing v in normal mode.

edit-and-execute-command (C-xC-e)

Invoke an editor on the current command line, and execute the result as shell commands. Bash attempts to invoke $VISUAL, $EDITOR, and emacs as the editor, in that order.

  • Wow. Years of linux, and I just know this.
    – azzamsa
    Aug 30, 2019 at 0:55

This is what worked for me.

CTRL + C from the current command. Then press the . Now you can edit whichever line you want by moving around with the arrow buttons - or .

Good Luck...

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