I would like to have several terminals in the same window. I know I can have tabs, but with them we can't see two terminals at a time.

I know Terminator is another terminal able to do this, but I really like the standard terminal.

Is it possible ?

  • I do not know how to split, but you can launch 2 terminals at the same time
    – logcat
    Commented Aug 2, 2012 at 13:29
  • Are you meaning 'gnome-terminal' as the standard terminal? If so, what features are you missing when you run terminator? (I used both of these, but I love terminator.)
    – belacqua
    Commented Aug 4, 2012 at 16:46

6 Answers 6


Not with the standard terminal. There are, however, a number of applications that you can install that will extend your terminal to allow for it, called multiplexers. Tmux and Screen are two of the most common.


Use terminator / termssh

apt-get install terminator # for GNOME but works fine on KDE.


wrote this to automate server connections either through autodiscovery or text file 4 -8 windows per tab


I personally use Tilix

sudo apt-get install tilix

enter image description here

  • What should I do after the installation?
    – Maf
    Commented Mar 26, 2021 at 12:24
  • 2
    You open it like a normal program, and it appears in your Applications.
    – Eloise
    Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 4:33
  • @Eloise 😂 (don't care if this comment gets removed) Commented Jun 4 at 21:47

I know it's an old question but maybe someone could find this useful.

There is a package splitvt that let you split the default Ubuntu terminal.

It can be installed in the usual way:

sudo apt-get install splitvt

and then just type splitvt.

From its manpage:

This program splits the screen into two windows, one above the other, and runs a shell in each one. The default shell is taken from the SHELL environment variable, or /bin/csh if SHELL isn't in the environment, but another shell can be specified on the command line.

  • 2
    Good, but worth noting that it loses some color, e.g. the prompt or when vim editing.
    – Nagev
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 21:42

Like Shauna suggests, GNU Screen among other tools will let you do this. It also comes with a host of other features which can be very useful (like keeping your programs running on a remote shell even after you have disconnected, so that you can re-connect to the session later).

If you decide to try any of these tools out, I suggest you look a little bit further than your initial needs requires you too, as the rewards will be immense.

  • Does screen let you split the viewable session, as opposed to making switchable session, tabs, etc.?
    – belacqua
    Commented Aug 4, 2012 at 16:49
  • Yes. You can split the session vertically. I think horizontally should be possible as well, but I've never tried. You can also simultaneously use the screen-session among several SSH sessions, so you can have multiple people working in the same screen. Great for remote assistance and collaboration with shell-problems. Screen is really a fantastic utility. Commented Aug 9, 2012 at 10:22
  • I just tried Screen and unfortunately I am not able to use my splited terminals. I can move the focus to them using Ctrl+A tab but onec there typing anything doesn't show up on the screen. May be you know why ? Moreover, it seems impossible to split a window both horizontaly and vertically at the same time, isn't it ? Commented Aug 10, 2012 at 8:09
  • after tweeking I am able to do all I want with Screen and Tmux. A little bit tricky to get started, but seems very nice. Have fun and thanks ! Commented Aug 10, 2012 at 8:51

Very interesting commands using tmux:

sudo apt install tmux


Ctrl+b " Split current pane horizontally into two panes

Ctrl+b % Split current pane vertically into two panes

Ctrl+b o Go to the next pane

Ctrl+b ; Toggle between the current and previous pane

Ctrl+b x Close the current pane

Ctrl+b d keep your terminal running in background (you can close the terminal even if a socket is running.

Ctrl+b w list your panes (e.g. after reopening the terminal)

Ctrl+b [ Activate scroll. Use ESC to exit.

For more options you can see here: https://linuxize.com/post/getting-started-with-tmux/


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