In order to type Indian languages or any other languages in Linux 11.1 and above, one need to install fonts of those languages and keyboard input method amd ibus m17n
For Indian languages open terminal and run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install ttf-indic-fonts
sudo apt-get install ibuspressing both keys
sudo apt-get install ibus-m17n
Restart the computer. Then from the dash (press Super) select System Settings and then Language Support (close any other window jf appears).
Goto keyboard input method system and choose ibus
from the list to enable ibus
Then from dash, search and select Keyboard Input Methods and and right click on icon, if it is not installed select install.
After this select Keyboard Input Methods and select launch, Ibus preferences menu will appear.
In "General" tab, mark for show icon on the system tray.
Now select second tab "Input Method", mark Customize active input methods then select an input method from the list (click on list icon to select from the language list) like Gujarati (choose one of these- in-script, itran or phonetic) selected language will appear under Customize active input methods.
Then click add option on the right side. For Hindi select Hindi -> (choose one option from 6 options, select phonetic m17n
to type as you speak; भारत = Shift + bart) and click add next to it. Close the ibus preference menu.
Like this one can select any language from the list and add to language panel.
In any editor to activate desired language click on the language panel (right top corner of the screen) and select language in which you want to type. When you select language, icon will change to that language. To type in English select option - input method off.
In older version of Linux, Ctrl + Space, activates and deactivates the desired language.