I'm still trying to make Quicklists work and found the problem: Quickly creates debian/rules with

sed -i 's|Exec=.*|Exec=/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/wakeonplan/bin/wakeonplan|' debian/wakeonplan/usr/share/applications/extras-wakeonplan.desktop; \

How do I stop it from doing so to use a static quicklist with CLI options?

  • It should be Exec=[^ ]*
    – int_ua
    Jul 6, 2012 at 10:35

1 Answer 1


I think you've hit a bug in Quickly.

As a workaround, you can do the following:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Run quickly package --extras
  3. Edit the rules file in the debian folder of your project and fix that sed line
  4. Now run: debuild -S
  5. And finally run: dput ppa:yourusername/ppa ../projectname_*_source.changes


If you are getting signature errors, ensure you've added the following at the end of the ~/.bashrc file:

export DEBFULLNAME='Your name'
export DEBEMAIL='[email protected]'

Note that:

  • The values of DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL should match those of your GPG key.
  • You'll need to restart the terminal for the changes to have effect, or alternatively run source ~/.bashrc to reload the file
  • You should check that the debian/changelog file has got a valid e-mail that matches DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL too
  • You might need to update the version number in the debian/changelog file. In any case, ensure that there is no -public suffix, or anything else with -

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