First things first: ssh is a way to remotely login to another computer. The shell (command line) you get after you ssh is (pretty much) the same as if you had opened a xterm in the remote machine. If offers no such way to move files.
However, the fact that the remote computer accepts ssh connections gives you some options to exchange files:
Use scp
To copy from your local computer to the remote, type, in the local computer:
scp /tmp/file [email protected]:/home/name/dir
(where /tmp/file can be replaced with any local file and /home/name/dir with any remote directory)
To copy from the remote computer to the local one, type, in the local computer:
scp [email protected]:/home/name/dir/file /tmp
Use sshfs
This is a little more advanced but much, much nicer (when the internet connection of both computers is good. If not, stick to scp)
You can "link" a directory from the remote computer to an (empty) directory of the local computer. Say you "link" the /some/remote/dir from the remote computer to /home/youruser/remotecomp in your computer. If there is a file /some/remote/dir/file in the remote computer, you can see it on /home/youruser/remotecomp/file. You can copy and mv as usual, and you can even alter remote files and dirs.
Note however, that when the connection ends, /home/youruser/remotecomp becomes an empty dir again, and you only keep in the local computer the files you copied to other directories
To achieve this:
- install sshfs:
sudo apt-get install sshfs
- create a empty dir
mkdir /home/youruser/remotecomp
- "link" the two directories (the right term is mount)
sshfs [email protected]:/some/remote/dir /home/youruser/remotecomp
"unlink" the dirs
fusermount -u /home/youruser/remotecomp
If the local computer runs windows
You can find versions of scp
for windows. See, e.g, winscp
rsync is a utility to copy files that can:
- resume transfers
- redo a transfer, but only send the files that changed.
To copy a single file, you can use rsync -P -e ssh /tmp/file [email protected]:/home/name/dir
To keep a directory in sync, sending only the needed files, you can use rsync -avzh /home/yourname/dir_name [email protected]:/var/temp/
There are also many other options, including deleting files in the remote dir if they no longer exist in the local dir.
This option is a bit harder. For example, you can mess up with trailing slashes (note that, in the last command, dir_name had no trailing slash, but /var/temp/ had). So it is useful, but requires a bit of testing and/or man rsync
As always, commands are run in the local computer, not the remote one