I am wondering how can I change the glass color (transparency) in GTK3? For example, if one hits the hot-spot corner (top-left) and you go to the applications display, there is a layer of glassy sheet. How can I make that brighter because, now, I have black icons?

1 Answer 1


I think this cannot be changed easily, Since this is the default gtk3 theme for gnome-shell (name is Adwaita). But you can use other gnome-shell themes.

  1. First Install the gnome-tweak-tool by typing this in terminal: sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool.
  2. Then you need to install gnome-shell-extensions to be able to use custom theme. command is : sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions

  3. Then add this PPA to use more gnome-shell themes

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/themes
    sudo apt-get update
    then you can install other gnome-shell themes. A brighter theme is Zukitwo.

    You can install that by
    sudo apt-get install zukitwo-colors-theme.

Here is the description of the theme quoted:

This package provides Zukitwo Colors theme pack which provides GTK2, GTK3 and GNOME Shell themes in all 7 colours from Shiki-Colors (Brave, Dust, Human, Illustrious, Noble, Wine and Wise), as well as a colour-neutral GNOME Shell theme (Zukitwo-Colors) and Metacity/Mutter themes for Dust (Zukitwo-Dust) and the rest (Zukitwo-Colors). (Zukitwo-Dust has a separate Metacity/Mutter theme as part of its colour-scheme.).

Then use gnome-tweak-tool to enable User theme extension. Then quit. Again start gnome-tweak-tool and select the theme you want from Shell Themes menu.

Hope this will helps.

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