The mask of any file/directories created by a user is defined by the users umask. The umask is generally set in the users .bashrc or via /etc/login.def system wide.
The standard umask in Ubuntu is 022 - this results in new files 644 and directories as 755.
***NOTE Only use 777 if you are sure you want everyone to have permission to view, and run files within this directory, using 777 in the wrong place, is a major secuirty risk.
If you really really want User A to create directories with a 777, then modify User A umask in .bashrc in the Users home directory.
Alternatively, you could create a little script eg:
file: /usr/bin/mkmediadir
mkdir $1
chmod 777 $1
set the script permissions to allow executable.
chmod +x /usr/bin/mkmediadir
now all User A needs to do when you want to create a new directory in /media/sharedfolder is run mkmediadir and the permissions will be set. This would remove the risk that User A creates a sensative directory with open permissions in error.
. And you need to check your mount options. It probably is lacking mask , userid and or groupid settings,UUID=bd4f641a-f011-49c6-ae4f-7ae9db49a3c1 /media/sharedfolder ext4 defaults,nofail 0 0