Just installing Ubuntu for the first time, glad to ditch Win 7. I have a KVM switch and also a Mac, hence I'm using a Mac keyboard (the full size alu one)
Main problem is the Enter key on the keypad doesn't work. I checked the keyboard layout (set to 'English UK Macintosh')... inspecting the layout the Enter key is mapped to something called 'Level' - WTF is 'Level'?
Everything else about the keyboard works great ie the £ $ # @ " are all perfect, volume control works as expected... why this weird key mapping on the Enter key?
More importantly... how do I change it to work as an Enter key ?
sudo /usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 104 = KP_Enter'
but after I logout and login the old mapping is back. Anyone know how to make this permanent? More to the point, could some Ubuntu dev just fix the source keyboard mapping...!