I connect to many servers using Terminator and the tabs will display username@host

This is fine when I have a few tabs but once I get many tabs all I see is username...

Is there a way to display the title of the tabs to just hostname?

This is remote servers so updating my profile won't help.


  • I use the xttitle package (sudo apt install xttitle;man xttitle).
    – waltinator
    Commented May 30, 2023 at 22:44
  • I don't think that will work for what I want. I ssh to many servers in the same window; logging in and out of different servers. Every I ssh to a server the tab title has user@server. So it is getting the tab title from the command I am entering; i.e ssh user@server is there a way to have the tab tile just display server instead of user@server?
    – ccaj
    Commented May 31, 2023 at 2:09
  • Read man console_codes then copy printf "\e[2$USER@$HOSTNAME^G" (\e is ESCape, ^G is Ctrl-G) into your cut buffer and paste it into each window. What user are you logging in at the "many servers", and why can't you do a little customization? Managing many servers is an area of practical computer administration. Many tools have been written to help. Do your research - don't reinvent the wheel.
    – waltinator
    Commented May 31, 2023 at 3:26

1 Answer 1


The gnome-terminal of Ubuntu so ugly, the bad thing. You need to change to mate-terminal (apt install mate-terminal) and your question will be solved.

Then, open mate-terminal and config this one: Edit > Profile Preferences > Title and Command > Title When terminal commands set their own titles: Keep initial title

Now, you can try:

/usr/bin/mate-terminal --title=<WINDOW NAME> --tab <TAB NAME> -- <YOUR SSH SCRIPT>

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