enter image description herea I am experiencing some problem with viewing the sites on google chrome latest stable, more or less - sites are not generating properly at all - screenshot attached.Any advice?

I tried purge, uninstalling, clearing, nothing worked. FF and Chromium OK

  • tell more about you system. Do you use x11 or Wayland, what about graphic drivers?
    – comm1ted
    May 29, 2023 at 7:18

2 Answers 2


remove cache from ~/.config/google-chrome/Default$ rm -rf GPUCache/


to anyone experiencing the same problem after latest google chrome update - I have just solved the issue it works like a charm now.

Solution in my case:

I have Mesa Intel® Graphics (ADL GT2) after using this laptop for over a year now it turns out I have to install graphic card drivers, otherwise it wouldn't display pages correctly as above - but it was OK, decided not to work after lates update btw

Solution in my case:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Thanks ubuntu community you're the best :*

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