I have a HP x360 14a Chromebook (BLOOGUARD), and it supports automatic screen rotation in tablet mode in ChromeOS.

I installed Kubuntu 23.04 using MrChromebox.tech UEFI. How to enable automatic screen rotation?

1 Answer 1


Install the iio-sensors-proxy package, in case it is already not installed.

sudo apt install iio-sensors-proxy


Afterwards, log into a Plasma Wayland session, and enable tablet mode in system settings.

Reboot. Afterwards, screen should rotate automatically in the tablet mode.


The automatic screen rotation does not work out of the box in xorg. Install the Screen Rotator app.

First, install the dependencies.

sudo apt install -y git cmake build-essential qtbase5-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libqt5sensors5-dev 

Then, build it.

git clone https://github.com/GuLinux/ScreenRotator
mkdir ScreenRotator/build
cd ScreenRotator/build
cmake ..
make all
sudo make install

Finally, add the Screen Rotator app to the list of startup programs.

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