I am new to Ubuntu and i was wondering why i am unable to copy Codeigniter folder in downloads to another folder in the home directory? I just installed lamp and setup a another folder by following this guide and fear i may have messed something up.

  • What's the error you're getting? Could you provide more information? Jun 5, 2012 at 14:26
  • I am not getting any errors just paste doesn't work. sorry i can't give more details as i very new to this and the command line is a bit daunting at the moment.
    – Snotbox
    Jun 5, 2012 at 16:27
  • @Snotbox Are you unable copy text from the command-line and paste it into your question? If so, is this because you have a command-line only system with no GUI? Jun 5, 2012 at 16:34

1 Answer 1


My guess is you used sudo to unpack a tarball, or something to that effect, which made the created directory be owned by root. Fire up a terminal and try this:

sudo chown -R snotbox:snotbox ~/Downloads/Codeigniter

Replace snotbox with your username, and remember that the file path is case sensitive. i.e. ~/Downloads/Codeigniter is not the same as ~/Downloads/codeigniter.


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