I would like to be able to set flashplayerdebugger as the default program to open swf files. I would like it so when I double-clicked on a swf it would use the program I want. How do I add the flashplayerdebugger to the "Open with..." menu when I right click.

EDIT: I have now done:

sudo install flashplayerdebugger /usr/local/bin

So now I can call flashplayerdebugger from any folder in terminal, but I am still stuck with how to manually set a file association to it for swf files.

  • 1
    You've not provided any OS/release details; and .tar.gz is usually seen with tarballs & not expanded executables; are you sure you've installed the tarball on your unstated system.
    – guiverc
    Mar 31, 2023 at 1:04
  • The end of life of Adobe Flash has been well advertised for 31 December 2020. Flash was discontinued and most OS removed support for it on or before this date.
    – David
    Mar 31, 2023 at 8:30
  • I'm on Ubuntu, does it matter what version? I know Flash is EOL that's why I am using a offline player to play the swf files I am downloading from Kongregate. It doesn't really matter if its just flash, I would like to know a simple way to add programs manually that permits me to then right-click on a given file type and then select that stand-alone/portable program as the default for that file type.
    – Archerbob
    Mar 31, 2023 at 18:55
  • If you're talking about changes to your GUI (ie. new features such as right-click menu options) then the OS/release really does matter, as each version of Ubuntu comes with a different version of the default desktop (GNOME since 17.10). If you haven't been watching the updates on GNOME, they add & remove features as they try & perfect the UI. Use the method appropriate for your unstated release then, as we don't know what you're using we cannot accurately advise.
    – guiverc
    Mar 31, 2023 at 22:15
  • 1
    You have to do two things: a) check is SWF a registered MIME-type on your systems, see directory /usr/share/mime/ . If swf is not listed, you need to create the XML file yourself and install using xdg-utils. b) associate the MIME-type with a program by creating in entry in /etc/xdg/mineapps.list . Sorry for not being able to provide more details, but I haven't done this for ages, so I can give you a more detailed step-by-step guide,
    – noisefloor
    Apr 4, 2023 at 5:54


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