I tried installing LXqt on Ubuntu. The login screen offers the following choices:

LXQt Desktop
Ubuntu on Xorg
Ubuntu on Wayland (Wayland)
Ubuntu (Wayland)

What's the difference between all these? Why would I choose one or another?

In particular, I don't understand the difference between "Lubuntu" and "LXqt Desktop". As a Linux newbie, they sound the same to me.

1 Answer 1


A modern Lubuntu install will offer you the following sessions

  • Lubuntu (full Lubuntu experience, everything matches the Lubuntu manual)
  • LXQt Desktop (purer upstream experience of LXQt; parts will match the manual)
  • Openbox (WM alone, no desktop)

The LXQt desktop (like LXDE before it) is WM (window manager) agnostic, and Lubuntu uses openbox as its WM. We offer users the choice of using that WM alone, ie. no panel, openbox menu (you can configure that yourself; its default is rather basic though). If you don't like openbox, or just prefer another WM, it can be changed too.

Users may not notice much difference between LXQt Desktop & Lubuntu, however many shortcuts & features the Lubuntu team have added will not be available when using the LXQt session, meaning not everything found in the Lubuntu manual will work as expected.

Your other choices are Ubuntu Desktop defaults

  • Ubuntu on Xorg (GNOME using Xorg; ie. force Xorg)
  • Ubuntu (GNOME desktop using Ubuntu defaults)
  • Ubuntu on Wayland (Wayland) (GNOME using Wayland; ie. force wayland)
  • I'm sure I've answered this before (without the GNOME bits), but I didn't find the question sorry.
    – guiverc
    Jan 11, 2023 at 21:52
  • Note: No release was mentioned, so I used the latest stable release for links, ie. manual links will currently match Lubuntu 22.10. If you're using another release (eg. 22.04) adjust the links appropriately (though the links I provided will better match 22.04 with the newer LXQt available using the backports PPA if added)
    – guiverc
    Jan 11, 2023 at 21:56
  • I was actually asking about an Ubuntu install (not Lubuntu) - question says "I tried installing LXqt on Ubuntu". But I suspect the answers are the same. If I can paraphrase you to confirm my understanding - the 3 flavors of Ubuntu are identical except using different WMs (Xorg, [something], Wayland). I'd love to know more about the pros/cons of each WM choice, but I guess that's a different question. Jan 12, 2023 at 0:16
  • Re LXQt Desktop & Lubuntu, I think you're saying (please correct any misunderstanding) that the differences are the shortcuts, apps and config defaults. Am I right to think that in LXQt (on Ubuntu) these will be more similar to Ubuntu than they will be with Lubuntu? (And to speculate further - that the Lubuntu team thinks their choices are better for LXQt...otherwise they wouldn't change them.) FWIW, my machine is not resource-constrained (it's a high-end gaming desktop). I just like the LX DE. Jan 12, 2023 at 0:19
  • I see only evidence of Ubuntu Desktop & one flavor being included, ie. Lubuntu. Many systems offer different sessions; your example shows the effect of just main Ubuntu Desktop & the additions when adding the one flavor of Lubuntu. Lubuntu isn't just pure LXQt; but a modified LXQt experience, with the Lubuntu team giving you a chance to explore all (WM alone, LXQt barely modified or heavily modified).
    – guiverc
    Jan 12, 2023 at 0:35

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