I installed a recent version of the text editor Kate, by KDE, and as shown here it does not recognise gcc, nor does it recognise sudo or anything I try to run.

The previous version I used simply had an instance of Konsole that I could use as I wanted, while this one shows [📦 org.kde.kate ~]$ in place of the username... What's with it?

Edit: I got rid of the [📦 org.kde.kate ~]$ by running bash; I checked the PATH variable, and although it is different from the one I'm using it still contains /usr/bin. But by running ls in that folder from Kate's terminal, most executables are not shown (e.g. there's not apt, apt-get, gcc...)

  • 2
    Is this maybe a snap installation of Kate? Snaps are sandboxed, so they may have limited access to files outside your home directory. When installing some program, make sure you install the .deb/apt version, not the snap version. Snap equals problems unless you exactly know what you're doing.
    – raj
    Aug 10, 2022 at 13:43
  • @raj I installed it from Flatpak, which was the only way I found to install the latest version... could that be the problem? Aug 10, 2022 at 13:49
  • Yes, I think so. The version of a program bundled with Kubuntu is tested and works. If you install another version [of that program], it may or may not work.
    – sudodus
    Aug 10, 2022 at 14:42
  • @mell_o_tron Here I see that they have an AppImage version: kate-editor.org/get-it . Try this. As far as I know, AppImages are not sandboxed.
    – raj
    Aug 11, 2022 at 12:32


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