The Ubuntu touchpad settings are not working after an upgrade to 22.04.

  1. When the touchpad is turned off from the touchpad settings, the touchpad is left on.
  2. Changing the setting of natural scrolling does not work.
  3. Before upgrade, a three finger tap would open a web link in a new browser tab, but it does not work now.
  • How did you upgrade to 22.04? From which release?
    – Pilot6
    Jul 21, 2022 at 17:05

1 Answer 1


Run in a terminal

sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics

and reboot.

  • Hi, if I understand well, this command uninstall a touchpad driver right? Why is this a solution, and why is it not necessary to install another driver after? Feb 25 at 18:39

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