I've come across an interesting problem where I am unable to see any wireless networks (or manage my wireless connections) from the user interface (Gnome 42), but I am both connected to the internet and able to manage this connection from the terminal.

For context, I installed Linux (server version - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) a few months ago to get comfortable with the terminal before I moved to it as my daily driver. I added Gnome 42 a few weeks ago and have been using the wireless network I initially added when I did the server setup.

Is there anything that could cause this?

Further, I'm also unable to switch networks from the terminal - if I use nmcli dev wifi connect NETWORKNAME password PASSWORD, I get an error - No network with SSID 'NETWORKNAME'. I double checked the wireless network names with iwlist wlp4so c, so I know the ESSID is correct

That said, I'm unsure if this is related, or a separate issue to the initial one - I'm quite comfortable with working on my own machine (making new files, changing permissions, troubleshooting non-network related issues, etc.), but I'm quite new to troubleshooting network issues.

  • Is Network Manager installed? Welcome to Ask Ubuntu.
    – chili555
    Jun 15, 2022 at 23:48
  • Yes - confirmed that it is both installed and up to date - as are all packages on my machine.
    – DataDriven
    Jun 16, 2022 at 17:45
  • When you click the Network Manager icon, do you see your network? Can you click on it and try to connect?
    – chili555
    Jun 16, 2022 at 19:53
  • No wifi networks show up anywhere on desktop settings - it says I'm not connected to any networks, nor are any networks detected. That said, if I try to do it from the terminal, it picks up my current network, but won't allow me to change to another network it supposedly detects.
    – DataDriven
    Jun 16, 2022 at 21:50
  • Please edit your question to show: cat /etc/network/interfaces and also: cat /etc/netplan/*.yaml
    – chili555
    Jun 17, 2022 at 0:21


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