I've just done the Kubuntu upgrade from 21.10 (impish) to 22.04 (jammy).
Now my Thermal Monitor plasma widget, which used to show CPU, GPU, SDD1 and SSD2 temperatures only shows the GPU temperature.
First thing I did was to check what lm-sensors reports, and running sensors
I get this output:
$ sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: N/A
Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl: +45.9 C
Tccd1: +45.2 C
Tccd2: +39.2 C
Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite: +39.9 C (low = -273.1 C, high = +84.8 C)
(crit = +89.8 C)
Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite: +45.9 C (low = -273.1 C, high = +81.8 C)
(crit = +84.8 C)
Sensor 1: +45.9 C (low = -273.1 C, high = +65261.8 C)
Sensor 2: +48.9 C (low = -273.1 C, high = +65261.8 C)
So the kernel and lm-sensors are aware of the temperatures (k10temp = CPU, nvme... = SSDs).
When I configure the Thermal Monitor widget though, there is no trace of a CPU thermal sensor. There are however the two SSD sensors listed. But when I check them, the widget still shows "OFF" for both (see screenshot below).
Any ideas what I could do to get my thermal monitoring back into a working state?