The Windows IPv4 Ethernet settings (see image) have fewer options than Ubuntu wired settings and I am unsure what to change in order to mimic (if that is possible) the same change in Windows.

In Ubuntu 22.04 in Network Wired settings I can edit the profile that is connected to the device or create a new one. In the profile I can select the IPv4 Method as Manual and then add Addresses or Routes.

Separately I can change my laptop's IP (in my case the Wired IP) with the following command:

sudo ifconfig enp0s31f6 netmask

I tried to change the default gateway:

sudo route add default gw dev enp0s31f6

That returned Network unavailable, but I think I am in the right direction with the command.

I am not sure which of these changes I need to replicate the settings change in Windows.

I think the Profiles in the settings are not equivalent to Windows "Use the following IP address". But I was also unsuccessful with the ifconfig and route commands.

The specific problem this question comes from is to connect my laptop to a device via Ethernet cable.

The device has a static IP address and if the IP address range of the computer is the same as the device you can access the device by entering the IP in a browser.

On Windows the manual shows that by setting the IP address, netmask, and default gateway in the settings you can access the device: enter image description here

I have been unable to replicate this in Ubuntu as I cannot connect to the device in the browser.



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