I have installed ubuntu 20.04 alongwith windows 10 on my pc. The installation process looked fairly troublefree. On grub bootloader after selecting ubuntu and entering my pass the next thing that comes up is 1.Analog input Can not display this video mode (With a black screen) I am able to access it in the recovery mode and then going to normal boot from there but not from the main menu. Is there any solution to that? I am using a old lcd btw (Sorry for my bad english)

  • you need to add a bit more information,what graphics card do you have and what type of pc do you have.it sounds like you have a graphics driver problem. Apr 30, 2022 at 14:10
  • Yeah it was a graphics card's driver problem. I installed the latest driver for my card in recovery mode and it worked May 1, 2022 at 3:44
  • please make this as the answer and accept it as solved,this is to avoid this question popping up every week as unsolved and you might even gain some more reputation. May 1, 2022 at 4:02


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