I have a .rar archive. I can open it using Archive Manager. Files are ready to view individually. But it cant extract all of the files inside the archive. The archive consists of a hierarchy of directories which contain some text files along with some video files. Archive Manager can only extract the text file in the last folder, neglecting all of the other files and also the video files inside the last folder. When I extract every folder separately, some of them get extracted correctly, but some others don't get extracted.

1 Answer 1


You can do this in terminal with unrar, it can help. For more info refer to page.

  1. Install sudo apt-get install unrar

  2. If you want to extract all files within the '.rar' file in the current directory run below command (in terminal as well)

    unrar e /path/to/file.rar

  • I did it, and got disk space error. So the problem is my disk space. Thanks.
    – S.Khajeh
    Commented Feb 15, 2022 at 5:45

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