Is there a way to restore single finger function on touchpad without having to reboot?

After using touchpad for a while it often starts requiring 2 fingers on the touchpad to move the cursor and actions that would require 2 fingers then start requiring 3. Single finger is ignored entirely.

My touchpad driver appears to be: ELAN0674:00 04F3:3193 Touchpad

but executing the following does NOT correct the issue:

xinput disable "ELAN0674:00 04F3:3193 Touchpad" && xinput enable "ELAN0674:00 04F3:3193 Touchpad"

Rebooting always corrects the issue.

  • Does this happen after resuming from suspend? Or is it something that occurs after a certain amount of active use? 🤔
    – matigo
    Jan 14, 2022 at 2:05
  • When it happened today it was from active use but it did happen not long after a resume. Computer was locked and asleep. I resumed and did some work with single finger for several minutes and then single finger stopped working as I was using.
    – G.W.
    Jan 14, 2022 at 2:18
  • Could you edit your question to include the Terminal output of journalctl | grep i2c-hid and the version of Ubuntu you're using? This is something I've seen in the past, but it was resolved a couple of years ago 🤔
    – matigo
    Jan 14, 2022 at 2:30
  • Ubuntu 21.04. There is no output from journalctl | grep i2c-hid I tried running it with and without sudo. just blank. Should I edit question to report that it is blank output?
    – G.W.
    Jan 14, 2022 at 2:41
  • Ubuntu 21.04 is about the be out of support so there's no point in troubleshooting. Jan 14, 2022 at 3:11

3 Answers 3


I did solved this using Gnome Tweaks to configure laptop lid action.

In General tab, I checked "Suspend when laptop lid is closed", then closed the lid and the issue no longer appears (after several tries).

In Keyboard & Mouse tab, not sure if it does something but I disabled Mouse Click Emulation.

Install this tool via sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

  • 1
    this weirdly solved it for me. unchecked and re-checked and 1 finger is back.
    – kokito
    Apr 25, 2023 at 22:33

I ran into this problem today. I was able to work around it by switching to one of the virtual terminals and then back to the desktop.

In my case this was CTRL+ALT+F3, then you can use ALT+LEFT_ARROW until you get your desktop back.


I'm having the same issue with Ubuntu 22.04 and a Dell Precision 5560. For me it seemed to happen after coming out of sleep. journalctl | grep i2c-hid also did not output anything for me.

It happens occasionally. I have this laptop a couple of months already and have seen it about 6 times or so. Another interesting fact is that now that I'm typing this, the issue suddenly disappeared.


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