I recently moved from Mac as my primary workstation to Ubuntu. And it has been a struggle... which I found to be surprising because before moving to Mac (5 years ago) I was on Ubuntu for a decent period.
Long story short I have gotten used to almost all the changes, except for the keyboard. Specifically the keyboard shortcuts.
I quite liked the use of super
key for bunch of shortcuts. It definitely was less stressful on my fingers than constantly using ctrl
, among other things.
Anyways, to my chagrin I am finding it quite difficult to remap or additionally map "Super + (c, v, t, w, z, x, left, right)" shortcuts. These shortcuts are either applicable across different applications & are deemed sufficiently low level or they work on word-by-word level in a text box.
I tried using xmodmap, xbindkeys, xdotool, AutoKey without much luck.
I did have high hopes from xmodmap (it let me map Super_L as an additional Ctrl key, but that was problematic since now doing Super+Tab was switching tabs instead of switching applications).
Has anybody successfully re-mapped key combinations in Ubuntu (especially for versions where Wayland/Gnome 3 is used)?
At the minimum I want to be able to Super + (c, v, t, w, z, x, left, right)