The answers here didn't work for me on Ubuntu 20.10:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.list-view default-visible-columns ['size', 'date_modified', 'name', 'type']
gsettings [--schemadir SCHEMADIR] set SCHEMA[:PATH] KEY VALUE
Set the value of KEY to VALUE
SCHEMADIR A directory to search for additional schemas
SCHEMA The name of the schema
PATH The path, for relocatable schemas
KEY The key within the schema
VALUE The value to set
However, if I added quotation marks around the options, it works:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.list-view default-visible-columns "['size', 'date_modified_with_time', 'name', 'type']"
$ gsettings get org.gnome.nautilus.list-view default-visible-columns
['size', 'date_modified_with_time', 'name', 'type']