I want to run a service on a custom port (e.g. jenkins on 8080) and I prefer to access it via browser with a name I can remember, e.g. http://localhost:jenkins
which will be an alias for http://localhost:8080
- Is such a thing possible?
- If so, will it be only an HTTP thing, or all network protocols will know of this alias?
- Also, if (1) is true, is this feature supported on other OS (centos, windows, etc.)
- What are the moving parts from the moment I type in address until it gets resolved? I'm guessing that the browser parsers, and therefore there might be a browser that supports my request. After that, the parsed url is probably passed to an OS process which in turn can also implement my request and accept str instead of an int... Are any of these parts configurable in a such a way that it will answer my need?